The Foraged Home

The Foraged Home


A celebration of both sustainability and design, this book presents beautiful interiors filled with salvaged, recycled, and repurposed objects from around the world. 

Artful home interiors are born from curiosity, creativity, and imagination, yet many of us fail to see a potential curtain rod in a bamboo stick or a kitchen counter in an old carpenters bench. 

In an era when sustainability, living off the grid, and reducing our eco-footprint have never been more important or appealing, The Foraged Home will provide guidance and inspiration to those looking to go beyond the world of mass-produced products.

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Jaymes Paper Note Cards

Upstate : Living Spaces with Space to Live

Upstate : Living Spaces with Space to Live

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The New Mediterranean: Homes and Interiors under the Southern Sun

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Handcrafted Modern

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On Weaving
